
Parkville Residences construction is progressing rapidly!


February has been another busy month, with construction work at Parkville Residences accelerating and bringing significant progress to the site.

Drilling for the geothermal heating and cooling system has begun, with more than a third of the ground probes already installed. These probes are currently being connected and undergoing pressure testing.

Excavation of the construction pit continues smoothly, with only the section under Building B remaining. A significant portion of the pile foundations for Buildings A, C, and D has already been completed.

Under Building C, earthworks are in progress to prepare the base layer beneath the floor of parking level -2, and construction of this level's floor will begin shortly as well.

Choose the smart homes of Parkville Residences! Contact our team today, and let us help you find your dream home!

+36 1 700 4433


Main office+36 1 700 2500

BUDAPEST, SZABADSÁG TÉR 7, 1054 Bank Center, Platina I. tower, 3rd floor 10:00 - 18:00

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